Windows Command Line Cheat Sheet


Use this Windows Command Line cheat sheet as a quick reference to essential commands! Covering everything from navigating directories and managing files to controlling processes, this guide is perfect for beginners and experienced users. Improve your productivity, simplify workflows, and access helpful tips to make the most out of the command line on Windows.

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Navigating the File System

cd - Change the current directory.

cd \path\to\directory

cd .. (move up one directory)

dir - List directory contents.


tree - Display directory structure in a tree format.


File and Directory Management

mkdir - Create new directories.

mkdir new_folder

rmdir - Remove directories.

rmdir folder

rmdir /s folder (remove directory and its contents)

del - Delete one or more files.

del file.txt

copy - Copy files from one location to another.

copy file1.txt file2.txt

move - Move or rename files or directories.

move old_name.txt new_name.txt

Viewing and Editing Files

type - Display the contents of a text file.

type file.txt

notepad - Open a file in Notepad.

notepad file.txt

Searching and Filtering Text

find - Search for a text string in a file.

find "search_term" file.txt

Command Line Tools and Utilities

ipconfig - Display network configuration information.


ipconfig /all (detailed information)

ping - Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts to test connectivity.


ping -n 4 (limit to 4 packets)

tracert - Trace the route packets take to the destination.


netstat - Display network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics.


Managing Processes

tasklist - Display a list of currently running processes.


taskkill - Terminate a process by its PID or image name.

taskkill /PID 1234

taskkill /IM notepad.exe (terminate by image name)

System Information and Maintenance

systeminfo - Display detailed system information.


chkdsk - Check the file system and status of the hard drives.


chkdsk /f (fix errors)

sfc - Scan and repair system files.

sfc /scannow

shutdown - Shutdown or restart the computer.

shutdown /s (shutdown)

shutdown /r (restart)


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