Vim Commands Cheat Sheet


Vim is a powerful and popular text editor that runs on the command line. Using Vim you will navigate around on screen with a keyboard instead of a mouse. It has a steep learning curve, but it can greatly improve your productivity once you master it. Here are some basic Vim commands to help you get started:


Frequently used commands :


i  –   insert before the cursor

gg  –   move cursor to the top of page

Esc  –   exit insert mode

yy  –   yank (copy) a line

: number  –   show line number

p  –    (paste) the clipboard after the cursor

/pattern  –   search for pattern

:q  –   quit (fails if there are unsaved changes)

n  –   repeat search in same direction

:wq   or  : x  or   ZZ  –  write (save) and quit

$  –   move cursor to end of line

:w  –   write (save) the file, but don’t exit

GG  –   move cursor to bottom of page


commands to move the cursor:

h –   move cursor left


L  –   move to bottom of screen


j –   move cursor down


w  –   jump forwards to the start of a word


k  –   move cursor up


W  –   jump forwards to the start of a word (words can contain punctuation)


l  –   move cursor right


e  –   jump forwards to the end of a word


gj  –   move cursor down (multi-line text)


E  –   jump forwards to the end of a word (words can contain punctuation)

gk  –   move cursor up (multi-line text)


b  –   jump backwards to the start of a word


H  –   move to top of screen


B  –   jump backwards to the start of a word (words can contain punctuation)


M  –   move to middle of screen


commands for Editing:

r –   replace a single character.


s  –    delete character and substitute text


R –   replace more than one character, until ESC is pressed.


S  –    delete line and substitute text (same as cc)


J –   join line below to the current one with one space in between


xp  –   transpose two letters (delete and paste)


gJ –   join line below to the current one without space in between


u  –   undo


cc  –    change (replace) entire line


U  –   restore (undo) last changed line


c$ or C –    change (replace) to the end of the line


Ctrl + r –    redo


ciw  –    change (replace) entire word

 .  –    repeat last command


cw or ce –    change (replace) to the end of the word



commands for saving and exiting:

:w  –   write (save) the file, but don’t exit


:q  –    quit (fails if there are unsaved changes)


:w !sudo tee %  –    write out the current file using sudo


:q!  or   ZQ  –    quit and throw away unsaved changes


:wq  or  : x or ZZ  –   write (save) and quit


:wqa  –    write (save) and quit on all tabs


command for search and replace:

/pattern  –   search for pattern


n  –   repeat search in same direction


?pattern  –   search backward for pattern


N  –   repeat search in opposite direction



commands for cut and paste:

yy  –   yank (copy) a line


y$   or   Y  –   yank (copy) to end of line


2yy  –   yank (copy) 2 lines


p  –    put (paste) the clipboard after cursor


yw  –   yank (copy) the characters of the word from the cursor position to the start of the next word


P  –   put (paste) before cursor


yiw  –   yank (copy) word under the cursor


dd  –   delete (cut) a line



Visual commands:

>  –    shift text right


~  –    switch case


<  –   shift text left


u  –   change marked text to lowercase


y  –    yank (copy) marked text


U  –   change marked text to uppercase


d  –    delete marked text



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